Friday 29 January 2016

No Chemo Today

I've been making the most of my new, longer gap between treatments.

I've been mostly feeling pretty well. I still have small side effects every day, but when my energy levels are good, I can handle those and still try and make the most of life.

Since my last blog entry, Dave and I have had interstate visitors, we've seen Joanna Newsome at the Sydney Opera House, we've visited interstate, and celebrated the Hottest 100.
Here's me (looking slightly crazy - or do I always look like this?) straying from my diet restrictions and enjoying an ice-cream
And it was fantastic. If you're only going to have one ice-cream this year, I recommend pepperberry & leatherwood and choc in a homemade waffle cone from The Chocolate Trading Co in Richmond.

I was booked to start round 9 of chemo today. I try and keep in mind how lucky I am to have access to this treatment. But that didn't stop a little part of me not wanting to have it.

And then, on Wednesday after my blood test, I started feeling unwell. The main symptoms being dizziness, light headedness and a bad stomach ache. I worked in the afternoon but I probably shouldn't have. I thought I'd got over doing things like that, I guess old habits die hard.

On Thursday I cancelled my shift at work, and Dave had to pretty much drag me out to my appointment with my oncologist. She checked me out and got me to have an x-ray, which showed up nothing. She told me not to go ahead with Chemo today though. And I felt, among other things, a little disappointed. And relieved. And scared. 

Now I'm not having chemo until the 19th of Feb. And that makes me a little disappointed, and relieved, and scared. My oncologist has assured me that the delay will make no difference at this stage in the effectiveness of the treatment. So really I should just enjoy the reprieve. I'm continuing to work on my fitness, doing my Home Exercise Program everyday (I didn't manage it on Thursday when I was feeling pretty rotten). I need to refocus on my diet and walking, these things have gone a little astray since my last round.

I'm feeling much better than I did yesterday, so I hope the trend continues, giving me time to build up my strength ready for the next round.


  1. Wow you look amazing! Keep up the good work!

  2. I'm having real ice-cream envy at the sight of that beauty. Take heart that the reprieve is a blessing and enjoy the break in routine. Keep on, keeping on xxx
